WhatsApp, the Facebook-owned messaging service has been under some scrutiny in 2021, owing to some security and privacy-related concerns from the consumers. When this did surface and consumers started moving to alternatives such as Signal and Telegram, the messaging service had to clarify the issues and concerns and took out full-page ads to show its stance in regards to consumer privacy. All of these issues never did cause any feature related issues for the platform, with the service constantly adding newer features and bug fixes so as to ensure ease of use and a feature-rich experience for the user. One such feature that WhatsApp is working on might allow users decided as to whether or not the application should compress a certain image. In today’s day and age, sharing images on messaging apps and, at times on Twitter leads to a loss of quality. The only current way to share high-quality pictures is to share it as a document-like file rather than a base image, and, due to this, the recipient of the image might lose out on the quality of the image.

What Does the Feature Do?

According toWABetaInfo, WhatsApp is soon going to be adding photo upload quality settings within a future beta version on the Android app. This specific feature will allow users to choose whether or not they want to send images in the best available quality or data saver modes. Out of these options, the latter will lead to a compression in order to save data for users who might be using mobile plans allowing for a reduction of sending time if the user is running on a slower network. In contrast, the Best Quality mode will allow for the user to share images that retain their original high-res quality. This might seem like a small feature that might not be useful for most, but as users who regularly share images or notes, it is a much-appreciated feature, since as of now users like us have to go into the link mode and share the specific image as a file rather than just dropping it from the gallery. Do note that it remains unclear as to whether the user will be able to toggle between the available settings for a single image each time a user wishes to share an image. The Auto option is also not explained properly. WABetaInfo further notes that this feature is currently in development and should appear as part of a future beta build. There is also a similar mode for videos, which might result in a double debut for the features.

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