In fact, users whose devices have older operating systems are already unable to create new WhatsApp accounts or reverify existing accounts, but the company does allow those who already have the app on their phones to continue using it. Menlo Park, California-based WhatsApp said that “you’ll no longer be able to use all Windows Phone operating systems after December 31, 2019, and WhatsApp might not be available in the Microsoft Store after July 1, 2019.” This change is expected to have even less of an effect on users since only about 0.24% of mobile phones around the world, according to Statcounter, use a Windows operating system. The 0.24 per cent figure includes all versions of the Windows operating system, including the more recent Windows 10 Mobile, so that the number of current Windows Phone users is insignificant. WhatsApp recommended using Android 4.0.3 or later; iOS 8 or later; and certain phone models with KaiOS 2.5.1 or later, including the JioPhone and JioPhone 2, Efe news reported.