WhatsApp has been under immense scrutiny due to certain security-related concerns by users, which led to the popular messaging service losing out its key users to alternatives such as Signal and Telegram, both of which promised to offer greater security for the user, something that seemed to be lacking on the Facebook-owned messaging service. Despite all this negativity, WhatsApp took out full-page ads to make users aware of how it was ensuring security for the users and their chats. To add to this, the company’s newest rules had a lot of users worried, and, thankfully, it was cancelled later so as to protect the interest of the user. Now, in case you did not know, WhatsApp has always maintained that the messages that are going through are end-to-end encrypted, which basically means that predators will not be able to see them as easily, but, if the same backup is stored in the cloud, authorities can make use of a search warrant to search the data, with the two cloud services being Google Drive and iCloud.
How does this new Feature Work?
WABetaInfo had previously reported that WhatsApp was indeed working on the technology that would allow the user to independently encrypt their backups in the cloud, stating that in the most recent beta build on Android (, the advancement has finally been enabled. There is one thing you should keep in mind, since, if you opt to keep your chat history and media backed up for security, there is one major caveat, which occurs if the user forgets the 64-digit recovery code or passcode, as they might be locked away from the same for a permanent time frame with not even WhatsApp being able to help. So, if you are fine with this risk, then you can enter the beta test group or wait for a proper stable build, to check out this new feature. The Facebook-owned service has also been working on a version of the software that works on multiple devices, without sacrificing end-to-end encryption even if you do not have a phone. If you are part of the beta, you need to check your version as there are reports suggesting that this feature is expanding rapidly. You cannot call or message someone from the companion device if the user is on an old version of the application.