Telegram Premium is now less expensive for consumers in India to subscribe to. The Dubai-based company’s messaging service has officially declared a change in pricing for India, and the app has already updated its price to reflect the new amount. A paid premium tier that included new features and increased functionality, such as more channels and accounts and quicker download speeds, was released by Telegram a few months prior to the reduction in pricing for customers in India.

Further Information Regarding the Price Cut

As per a Gadgets360 report, Telegram Premium now costs Rs 179 a month to subscribe to Telegram Premium in India, which is significantly less than the service’s debut price when it went global in June. Users had to pay Rs 469 per month, which is significantly more than the lowered pricing up until last week. Users of Telegram received alerts over the weekend announcing a discounted version of Telegram Premium in their nation. Many exclusive features are only available to premium subscribers. If prices for Telegram Premium have been reduced in other regions, the business has not yet made a formal announcement to that effect. Users in India who sign up for Telegram Premium will gain access to extra services like the capacity to convert audio chats into text, faster downloads, and larger 4GB file uploads. Many new features for its customers have just been introduced by Telegram. A number of new features have been added to the social messaging app, including Status emoji, infinite reactions, an updated login process, and more. All users have access to some of these features, but only Premium subscribers can use others. It now costs Rs 179 a month to subscribe to Telegram Premium in India, which is significantly less than the service’s debut price of when it went global in June. Users had to pay Rs 469 per month, which is significantly more than the lowered pricing up until last week. The company has more than 700 million active monthly users, according to a June announcement from the firm. The service is in direct competition with Facebook Messenger and WhatsApp, two widely used messaging services with active user bases of over 2 billion and 1 billion, respectively. There are no paid subscriptions available for either of Meta’s messaging services at this time.

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