Realme X2 Pro to be Powered by Snapdragon 855+ SoC The first notable thing about the Realme X2 Pro is that it will come with the Snapdragon 855+ SoC. Secondly, the company itself has revealed some important information about the Realme X2 Pro through a listing on a European website. Just like the previous Realme phones which have debuted recently, the Realme X2 Pro will also sport a quad camera setup. There will also be different options for macro and portrait shots which will bump up the quality for the respective modes. Realme X2 Pro to Feature 90Hz Display The European listing website that we mentioned above details that Realme X2 Pro would come with a 90Hz Fluid Display. Also, it is confirmed that the phone would sport the Snapdragon 855+ SoC which has been especially made for gaming, so the chipset would ensure optimum performance. The 90Hz display would be an added feature which the users of the phone are likely to appreciate, and it would also contribute to smooth gaming experience on the Realme X2 Pro. When it comes to optics, the Realme X2 Pro will come with a 64MP primary sensor alongside a secondary sensor featuring an ultra-wide-angle 115-degree lens. The device has also been hinted to come with a “Super Macro” sensor which would have a focal length of 2.5 centimetres. In addition to this, there will also be a portrait lens. Amongst the camera feature, the Realme X2 Pro has been teased to offer 20x hybrid zoom. Some of the other phones which ship this feature include the Oppo Reno 2. Realme X2 Pro to Compete With the Likes of OnePlus 7 Pro There have been some tweets, ahead of the launch of the device, which also reveal some quirks about this phone. In a tweet about the Realme X2 Pro, the phone has been teased to come with 65W VOOC charging. Other specifications about the Realme X2 Pro haven’t been revealed yet like the RAM and pricing, but it is likely that we can see some more information before October 4 on the Realme official website. If we are to take the specifications of the Realme X2 Pro which are known till now and map the competition, then it is likely that the phone will compete with the likes of Redmi K20 Pro and even the OnePlus 7 Pro. Although the pricing and the Indian availability remains unknown for now, we do know that given the specifications of the Realme X2 Pro, the phone will be priced somewhere in the premium or higher mid-range segment.

Realme X2 Pro Specs Include Snapdragon 855  and More - 49