Qualcomm provides chipsets for most of the smartphones in the world. It has made goodwill in the market and smartphone manufacturers trust Qualcomm a lot now. From the biggest brands and most expensive smartphones to some of the cheapest brands and cheapest smartphones, all of them feature Qualcomm’s Snapdragon chipsets. In 2019, Qualcomm announced Snapdragon 865. The snapdragon 865 came with most of the flagship devices in the first half of 2020 and also supports 5G connectivity. Now Qualcomm has announced a successor to the Snapdragon 865 which is Snapdragon 865+. Let’s look at what this chipset will bring with itself.

Better Gaming and Three Key Improvements

The Snapdragon 865+ has put a lot of emphasis on enhancing the gaming experience of a user. There are three key improvements in the chipset. Let’s check them out.

The Kryo 585 Prime core clocked at 2.84GHz in Snapdragon 865. But with the new Snapdragon 865+, it has upgraded to 3.1GHz. So there is a 10% increase there. Apart from that, it comes with the same clock speeds for the other cores. It is not just the CPU, but also the GPU which has got an upgrade. The Snapdragon 856+ still uses the same Adreno 650 GPU, but this time around, it also gets a 10% faster speed for rendering graphics. The Snapdragon 865 is not a let down in any way, but this 10% increase is further going to improve the gaming experience and much more for the user. Apart from enhancements in CPU and GPU, the chipset has also got an upgrade in its connectivity. The Snapdragon 865+ comes with the Qualcomm’s latest FastConnect 6900, so you will get better Wi-Fi and Bluetooth connectivity. The Wi-Fi speeds with up to 3.6 Gbps can be supported by the new chipset and it also comes with the support for Bluetooth 5.2 and Wi-Fi 6E.

Apart from all these improvements, everything about the Snapdragon 865+ remains the same as of its predecessor Snapdragon 865 chipset. Talking about the availability of the chipset, it is expected to launch with Lenovo Legion and Asus ROG Phone 3 later this year.

Qualcomm Snapdragon 865  Brings in Faster CPU and GPU Performance - 13