Millions of gamers and people play PUBG Mobile on a daily. Winning becomes very important for a few of us. Some players in a desperate attempt to win also start cheating and indulging in unfair gameplay. This violates the PUBG Mobile end-user agreement. Since the inception of the game, some players have been finding loopholes and cheating to win games. But PUBG Mobile is very strict against cheating and keeps on finding people who are engaging in malicious activities and ban them. Now the Battle Royale game has got a new anti-cheating measure known as ‘Safety Observation Mode’.

PUBG Mobile Safety Observation Mode

PUBG Mobile has been on the front end working hard to ensure that people don’t cheat. This new Safety Observation Mode has the help of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML). This system will attempt to identify players who are indulging in unfair gameplay tactics. Once caught by this new system, the player will be removed from the matching queue. PUBG Mobile said in a press release that people who are under the Safety Observation Period won’t be matched with other people. They won’t even get any stats or earnings for their matches. Along with that, these players won’t be allowed to team up with other people. There will be very limited modes of PUBG Mobile that will be available to them until the time Safety Observation Period is over. PUBG Mobile Team said, “PUBG MOBILE’s official Operations Team is fully committed to continue guaranteeing an amazing game experience and treat all users equally and fairly. By taking a closer look at players who don’t respect the rules of the game and play fair, we’re continuing to show our commitment to providing a fair gaming environment for all.” On the note of anti-cheating measures, PUBG Mobile very recently also introduced a new way for spectators to look at the match. The new spectator mode will allow the spectator to watch only what the player who is being spectated is watching on the screen.

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