PUBG Mobile might make its comeback in India very soon. The game was banned because of security and privacy reasons last year. Later, the PUBG Mobile India version was announced without affiliations with Tencent, but even that couldn’t launch in India simply because the government deemed it that way. According to Luv Sharma, a content creator of PUBG Mobile, the game is all set to come back to India. The Indian government is considering the relaunch of the game. However, no confirmed date for the game has been announced or hinted at yet.

PUBG Mobile India Comeback in the Cards

Looking at a tweet from Andhare, a member of the TSM eSports team, a lot of good news will come for PUBG Mobile lovers in the next two months. He further said that the Indian government had given a ‘green signal’ to PUBG Mobile for relaunch in India. Note that none of the comments come directly from a government official related to the matter. Thus nothing’s confirmed yet. Sean Hyunil Sohn, head of corporate development at Krafton, said that the company cares a lot about the Indian market and now also has some friends inside the Indian gaming industry. He assured that Krafton would work hard in relaunching the game back in India. Even though Sohn’s words suggest that Krafton cares a lot about the Indian market, it is surprising that Krafton didn’t avail the pre-registration option in India for its another game in works called PUBG: New State. In other news, Krafton has decided not to let Indian players enjoy PUBG Mobile Korean version. The company has announced that post-July 1, 2021, all access to PUBG Mobile Korea will be shut down for users outside Japan and Korea. Due to the ban, Indian users download the APK file of the PUBG Korea version. However, even the APK file won’t work for Indian players post-July 1, 2021.

PUBG Mobile Might Come Back to India Very Soon  Report - 33