As announced yesterday by the developers of the game, PUBG Mobile will be making a comeback in the country with a new name called ‘PUBG Battlegrounds Mobile India’. But it is not just the name that’s new; there are new policies attached to the game as well. One of the key policies that can be found on the ‘Privacy Policy’ page of the game’s website is parental permission for underage players. It is worth recalling the dissatisfaction of the parents with their children playing PUBG Mobile all day long. With the new privacy policy, the company is not only easing the parents’ pain but is also keeping the data/information of their children safe. Take a look at the updated privacy policy of the game for underage players ahead.

Underage Players Cannot Play PUBG Battlegrounds Mobile India Without Parents Permission

PUBG Mobile Battlegrounds Mobile’s new privacy policy states that underage players who want to play the game will require parental permission to do so. For clarity, the underage players will be users below the age of 18. Underage players will need to share the mobile number of their parents before they can start playing the game. Thus, now, the control will be in the hands of the parents if they want their children to play the game or not. Parents can even contact the developers of the game to delete any personal information they think their child has provided without their consent. The game’s policy reveals that the developers don’t collect any personal information directly from the player. Only the smartphone’s IP address, device information, and browsing behaviour is collected automatically. All these new policies and features were necessary to bring back the game in India after the ban last year. The government was wary of the kind of data that the game was collecting from its users, and since it had Chinese roots with Tencent being involved, the government didn’t have any option but to officially ban it from the country. Krafton has, however, made the new version of the game without any presence of Chinese companies and has assured that it will keep all the data of the users safe and will follow the guidelines given by the Indian government.

PUBG Battlegrounds Mobile India Comes With Revised Policy for Underage Players - 90