Just a few days ago, the Chinese consumer electronics manufacturer OnePlus launched its OnePlus 10 Pro, OnePlus Bullets Wireless Z2, and OnePlus Buds Pro Radiant Silver colour option in India. With that set and done, the company is now looking forward to introducing three new Nord series devices in India as well as across the globe. These three Nord devices are most likely going to be Nord CE 2 Lite 5G, Nord 2T, and Nord 3. Not only the Nord series smartphones, but previous reports have hinted that the company is actually working on a Nord series smartwatch as well. Speculations suggest that this smartwatch from the brand will be priced under Rs 10,000. Now in a new development, it has been revealed that OnePlus is also looking to introduce an audio product under the Nord branding. Here’s what we know of the expected audio device from OnePlus that will be a part of the Nord series.
The Upcoming OnePlus Nord Buds
The news comes in as the upcoming OnePlus Nord Buds with E505A model number has been spotted on the FCC database. The listing reveals the TWS’s design and also some info regarding the battery capacity. It is not surprising that OnePlus is going for a truly wireless design for the OnePlus Nord audio device given its continuously growing popularity. The certification has also confirmed the name of the device to be OnePlus Nord Buds. As far as the design part is considered, the FCC listing suggests that OnePlus Nord Buds will come with a half in-ear style design meaning the company will not offer ear tips. It also seems that the stem design on the TWS is quite short. Moreover, even though the listing shows a black colour option for the device, it is most likely that the company will be launching the earbuds in other colour options as well. In addition to this, it has also been revealed that the case of truly wireless earbuds will feature a 480mAh Li-ion battery capacity whereas each bud will come with a 41mAh battery unit. If we go by the images, it can be assumed that the OnePlus Nord Buds will support Type-C charging. The earbuds are also expected to arrive in India as OnePlus earbuds with model number E505A have already cleared the BIS certification.