OnePlus launched its latest flagship device, OnePlus 8T in India on October 13, 2020. Only a day later, Xiaomi came out with the Mi 10T. Both the Chinese smartphone giants have launched their devices at a very close price range and at the same time. Thus a lot of users will be confused about which one they should pick. There are major differences between the two and in a lot of ways, unexpectedly, Mi 10T is ahead of the OnePlus 8T. So is OnePlus 8T worth purchasing over the Mi 10T or did Xiaomi pull off a winner? Read ahead to find out.

OnePlus 8T vs Mi 10T: Display

The OnePlus 8T comes with a smaller display than the Mi 10T. There is a 6.55-inch AMOLED display with support for 120Hz refresh rate in the OnePlus 8T. The Mi 10T, however, comes with a bigger 6.67-inch FHD+ DotDisplay with support for 144Hz refresh rate. OnePlus 8T comes with display features such as ‘Reading Mode’, ‘Night Mode’, and ‘Vibrant Color’. Mi 10T on the other hand gets the support of ‘Sunlight Display 3.0’ and ‘Reading Mode 3.0’.

OnePlus 8T vs Mi 10T: Performance

The OnePlus 8T runs on OxygenOS 11 based on Android 11 out of the box. Powering the smartphone is the Qualcomm Snapdragon 865 which supports 5G. It is paired with the Adreno 650 GPU with up to 8GB and 12GB LPDDR4X RAM. There is 128GB and 256GB UFS 3.1 storage options available as well. The OnePlus 8T packs in a 4500mAh battery which comes with the support of Warp Charge 65. Meanwhile, the Mi 10T runs on Android 10 based MIUI 12 out of the box. It is also powered by the Qualcomm Snapdragon 865 which can support 5G. There is the same Adreno 650 GPU inside with up to 6GB and 8GB RAM along with 128GB UFS 3.1 storage. There is a bigger 5000mAh battery with support of 33W fast charging.

OnePlus 8T vs Mi 10T: Camera

The OnePlus 8T comes with a quad-camera setup with the primary sensor being a 48MP Sony IMX586 lens, paired with an ultra-wide-angle sensor of 16MP, a 45MP macro sensor, and a 2MP monochrome lens. With the OnePlus 8T, users can record in 4K at 30 and 60 fps while 1080p videos can also be recorded in 30 and 60 fps. There is a 16MP front sensor which can also record at 1080p 30fps. The Mi 10T comes with a triple camera setup where the primary sensor is a 64MP wide-angle lens paired with a 13MP ultra-wide angle sensor and a 5MP macro sensor. The Mi 10T users can record in 8K 30fps and 4K at 30fps and 60fps while 1080p video can be recorded in 30, 60, 120, 240 and 960 fps. At the front, there is a 20MP sensor which can shoot at 1080p videos in 30fps and 720p at 120fps.

OnePlus 8T vs Mi 10T: Price and Verdict

The OnePlus 8T is available in two different variants. The first variant comes with 8GB RAM and 128GB storage and is priced at Rs 42,999. The second variant comes with 12GB RAM 256GB storage and is priced at Rs 45,999. It is available in two different colours namely Lunar Silver and Aquamarine Green. The Mi 10T is available in two variants as well. The first variant is 6GB RAM 128GB storage priced at Rs 35,999 and the second variant is 8GB RAM 128GB storage priced at Rs 37,999. It is available in three colours such as Cosmic Blue, Aurora Blue, and Lunar Silver. Talking about which one is better, Xiaomi 10T takes the lead from OnePlus 8T in many areas. While both the smartphones come with the same chipset and GPU, there are some extra features in the Mi 10T. But that doesn’t mean that the OnePlus 8T is any lesser than the Mi 10T. The OnePlus 8T comes with a faster-charging technology and the cooling technology on the device is said to have been improved and it runs on Android 11 out of the box. Both smartphones are really close to each other in terms of functionality. Thus it will be hard to choose between them. More or less, we believe it depends on the person and which brand they prefer more.

OnePlus 8T vs Mi 10T  You Won t Believe Who Wins  - 47