OnePlus 11 is the next confirmed flagship smartphone for 2023 from OnePlus. The smartphone’s India launch has been confirmed for February 7, 2023. The launch event will take place in New Delhi. Multiple OnePlus products would be announced for the Indian market on that day. Along with the OnePlus 11, the new OnePlus Buds Pro 2 would also be launched to give a premium audio experience to OnePlus fans. But before the OnePlus 11 goes live in India, it will be launched in the China market. That would give us an idea of what we can expect from the Indian variant of the device. OnePlus has confirmed that it will be launching the OnePlus 11 in China on Jan 4, 2023. The teaser image released by the company for the China market shows that the device would also be available with 16GB of RAM and 512GB of internal storage. Because of the TENAA listing, many specifications of the smartphone have already been confirmed. Let’s take a look at what is OnePlus 11 going to look like. The OnePlus 11 is going to come with a 6.7-inch AMOLED display with support for QHD+ resolution. Its display is going to be curved like the OnePlus 10 Pro. The device’s display would support 120Hz refresh rate, 10-bit colours, and an under-screen fingerprint scanner. Its chipset was also confirmed by OnePlus a few weeks back. The smartphone would sport the all-new Qualcomm Snapdragon 8 Gen 2 SoC, which will power many more flagships in 2023. It is likely going to run on Android 13 out of the box. In India, it would be OxygenOS 13 (review). For now, OnePlus has confirmed what its flagship OnePlus 11, will look like. The company has sent media the images of the device. Take a look below. Slide - OnePlus 11: First Look

OnePlus 11 Images Sent by the Company

The camera bump of the OnePlus 11 again shows that it would don the Hasselblad cameras. It would be interesting to see what sort of camera performance improvements we will get with the OnePlus 11.

OnePlus 11 Design and Look Confirmed by Company  China Launch on Jan 4 - 28OnePlus 11 Design and Look Confirmed by Company  China Launch on Jan 4 - 41OnePlus 11 Design and Look Confirmed by Company  China Launch on Jan 4 - 32