Nokia C21 Plus smartphone saw its debut in India on Tuesday. The device has a 13MP dual rear camera arrangement, and the manufacturer claims that it has a battery life of up to three days. For two years, the smartphone will receive quarterly security updates and has a fingerprint sensor located on the back. The Nokia C21 Plus is priced at Rs 10,299 for the 3GB + 32GB storage model, and the company’s website will be the only place to buy the device in the Dark Cyan and Warm Grey colour options.
Nokia C21 specifications and features
A 20:9 aspect ratio 6.5-inch HD+ display is included on the Nokia C21 Plus. It has an octa-core Unisoc SoC inside. The nosiness has pledged two years of continuous security upgrades for the smartphone, which is powered by Android 11 Go Edition. Additionally, it has an AI face unlock system and a fingerprint sensor. It has a 13MP main camera and a 2MP depth sensor for optics. Additionally, it has a 5MP selfie camera. The camera configurations on the front and rear both use LED flash. With a 5,050mAh battery unit, this smartphone is said to have a battery life of up to three days, as well 10W charging is supported. Along with having a Micro-USB connector and a 3.5mm headphone jack, the Nokia C21 Plus supports Bluetooth v4.2 wireless networking. It has up to 64GB of internal storage and 4GB of RAM (expandable up to 256GB via the microSD slot). The smartphone weighs 75.9g and has dimensions of 164.8x75.9x8.55mm.
Nokia C21 price and availability
The Nokia C21 Plus can be ordered via the official Nokia Website in India. The device is priced at Rs 10,299 for the 3GB RAM + 32GB storage model and Rs 11,299 for the 4GB RAM + 64GB storage model. Warm Grey and Dark Cyan are the available colours. As part of an exclusive launch, this device currently comes with a free pair of Nokia Wired Buds. Soon, this Nokia smartphone will be accessible through traditional retail outlets and online retailers.