Earlier this month, the Motorola G62 was introduced in Brazil. It has triple back cameras in addition to a 120Hz refresh rate display as features. A Qualcomm Snapdragon 480 Plus octa-core SoC is also included in the smartphone. Motorola is reportedly launching its new flagship phone in India alongside the Moto G62 5G. It’s possible that this is the Motorola Edge 30 Pro Ultra, which is also thought to be the Motorola Frontier. The smartphone is rumoured to sport a Snapdragon 8+ Gen 1 SoC from Qualcomm. The Moto G62 5G and a new flagship phone are expected to be released by Motorola in India soon, according to tipster Mukul Sharma. Despite the fact that the precise release date is not yet known, we anticipate some information to surface online soon.

Moto G62 5G specifications

A 6.5-inch full-HD+ (1,080x2,400 pixels) IPS display with a 120Hz refresh rate and Android 12 were both included on the Moto G62 5G when it made its debut in Brazil. In addition to the Adreno 619 GPU and 4GB of RAM, the Snapdragon 480 Plus SoC powers the phone. With 128GB of built-in storage and microSD card expansion options, the Moto G62 5G is a powerful smartphone. In addition to 5G, NFC, and a USB Type-C connection, the device has a variety of networking features. Additionally, a fingerprint sensor is positioned on the side. A 5,000mAh battery that supports 20W TurboPower quick charging is included in the Moto G62 5G by Motorola. Talking about the camera specification, a 50MP primary sensor with an f/1.8 lens, an 8MP hybrid ultra-wide and depth shooter, and a 2MP macro photographer are all included in the triple rear camera configuration on the Moto G62 5G. Also, the smartphone has a 16MP selfie camera sensor up front for taking selfies and video calls.

Moto Edge 30 Pro Ultra aka Motorola Frontier specifications (expected)

According to rumours, the Motorola Edge 30 Pro Ultra, also known as the Motorola Frontier, will include a 6.67-inch full-HD+ POLED curved display, the Snapdragon 8+ Gen 1 SoC, up to 12GB of RAM, and a maximum of 256GB of onboard storage. The device is rumoured to contain a 200MP primary sensor and a triple rear camera arrangement. It would have a 4,500mAh battery unit and allow 125W rapid charging.

Moto G62 5G Tipped to Launch in India Soon - 88