The company on Sunday launched five mobile phones including its premium segment Nokia 9 PureView with five cameras in the price range estimated to be around Rs 50,000 a unit as per global price shared by the company. “We are very seriously focussing on imaging which is one of the experiences that we want to deliver to consumers. This is the reason we have launched Nokia PureView our flagship imaging device,” Mehta said. The company unveiled Nokia 4.2 expected to be priced in the range of Rs 12,000- Rs 15,000, Nokia 3.2 for Rs 10,000-12000 a unit and Nokia 1 Plus for around Rs 7,000 a unit. HMD also unveiled a feature phone Nokia 210 that will be priced around Rs 3,500 a unit. Mehta said that specific timing of the launch of these phones would be decided in some time but all of them are expected to start selling in India in the second quarter. Nokia brand phones dominated the India market for about 7-8 years when mobile telephony started in the country but lost its spot to South Korean major Samsung and was adversely impacted by the sale of low-cost Chinese phones. Talking about competition with Chinese brands that still dominate the India market with their low-cost pricing strategy, Mehta said that pricing is one strategy to sell a product, but HMD will focus on the experience of customers. “We know we are not disruptor on pricing, but we will deliver value at the price point we sell them the product,” Mehta said. HMD Global now sells Nokia phones in partnership with Nokia and Foxconn. Mehta said that almost all the phones that HMD sells in India are manufactured in the country and evaluating business proposition for making it’s high-end phone Nokia PureView also locally.

HMD Global Looking to Make Nokia Among Three Players in India by 2024 - 33