The digital service and communications solutions provider A1 Telekom Austria Group is planning to accelerate its 5G rollout plans in Central and Eastern Europe. The company has already made impactful investments for the 5G footprint across various territories. As reported by Developing Telecoms, A1 Telekom Austria Group has acquired the spectrum in Slovenia for 42.4 million Euros. Not only this, but the entity has been rewarded with a 5G license in Bulgaria in the 3.6 GHz spectrum for 2.4 million Euros. A1 Telekom Austria Group has been acquiring spectrum across various nations to accelerate the pace of 5G development and provide high-speed internet access to users.
A1 Telekom Austria Strives to Utilise Potential of Digital Technologies
Alejandro Plater, who is the COO of A1 Telekom Austria, explained the strategic moves at CEE and stated that the entity is working with the core strategy to utilise the potential of digital technologies for sustainable positive future opportunities. The vast importance of system-critical digital infrastructure such as the A1 Telekom Austria Group for social and economic development has been known before the Covid-19 crisis. He also stated that all these reasons are crucial for the entity to accelerate the 5G rollout plans for top class network infrastructure in future.
A1 Telekom has Installed 1000 New 5G Sites into Operation
A1 Telekom has been working hard to deploy the 5G sites for providing a high-speed network to its users. Since the beginning of the year, A1 has nearly deployed 1000 new 5G sites to bring high-speed broadband services to both urban and rural provinces. Together with the largest fibre network of Australia that already extends about 61,000 km, the A1 5GigaNet combines and provides the best broadband technologies. In the same period, A1 Slovenia has acquired multiple spectrum bands that will be valid for 15 years. The entire funding for the spectrum acquisition will be done by the current cash flow of A1 Telekom Austria Group. Dejan Turk, CEO Cluster Serbia and Slovenia, said that the rollout and future developments of the powerful A1 network would aid the digitalisation of Slovenian society. The network will open the door to future technologies such as e-health, cloud gaming, autonomous driving and more.