5G networks would require spectrum in high-frequency bands. There are concerns, not just in India, whether sub-6 GHz frequencies would be safe to be used for 5G services. On a similar note, the Cellular Operators Association of India (COAI) said that the issue of spectrum interference raised by the Federation of Indian Pilots is uncorroborated. The industry body said that there is enough gap in the transmission of frequencies that will be used for 5G and aviation to let both co-exist in a safe manner. For the unaware, the aviation body had raised concerns the use of the 5G spectrum in the C-band would create issues with sensitive aircraft electronics such as Altimeter. But COAI has said that there’s no such proven issue. Lt. General Dr S P Kochhar, DG, COAI, said, “We understand the concerns raised by Federation of Indian Pilots, and the matter has been highlighted in the past as well wherein the authorities have found the issue of spectrum interference uncorroborated. There is a gap of 530 MHz (from 3670 MHz to 4200 MHz) in the transmission of frequencies. Thus, making it safe for 5G and aviation to co-exist.”
What Is Happening in the United States?
The United States (U.S.) telcos have also had to delay the launch of 5G services using the C-Band spectrum to ensure that there is no interference with the aviation services and flight operations. It has been decided that fifty major airports in the U.S. will get 5G buffer zones to deal with the said issues that 5G service sin the C-band spectrum would create. The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) has already disclosed the list of 50 airports that will get 5G buffer zones.